Kyambogo Secretary patronize for new contract

The administration of Kyambogo University has yet embroiled in a heated wrangle with the university secretary over renewal of the latter’s contract as they trade accusations of favoritism as well as tribalism.

According to the University secretary Mr Charles Okello’s attempts to have his contract renewed following its expiration last year has faced difficulties according to this publication.

Sources say several meetings to have the matter solved haven’t yet yield including the just concluded one held on Monday that involved the vice Chancellor Prof Eli Katunguka Rwakishaya.

According to Section 33 (1 and 2) of the university and other tertiaries Act ,2001 provides for the position of a university secretary who is supposed to report to the vice chancellor who is meant to recommend for the appointment of the position as seen in section 52 of the same law.

However the University spokesperson Mr Ruben Twinkmujuni when contacted for an interview by our media yesterday said the processes are being followed to look into the matter.

“ It’s not automatic for such a renewal to happen;it takes time . The relevant authorities are looking into the matter and the process are being followed though we can’t predict whether it will be renewed or not ,”Said Mr Twinomujuni.

Last year in November the contracts for both Prof Katunguka and Mr Okello had expired at the same time which met the duo had to apply for re appointment through University council.

However Prof Katunguka’s contract was promptly renewed leaving aside Mr Okello’s pending till today.

Mr Okello through his lawyers Guma and Co Advocates petitioned the acting University secretary raising 12 grounds to support his reappointment.

However the acting Secretary of Kyambogo university Mr Arthur Katongole argued that Mr Okello was appraised on 30 June 2022 for his first appointment and assessment of the performance and was forwarded to the chairman of the appointments board the same day.

Kasim Balidawa

By Kasim Balidawa

Am Balidawa Khasim a copy writer and a blogger. Am more passionate in reading as well as writing accurate articles basing on all aspects. I love challenges

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