Fluctuating milk prices draw complaints from farmers

Farmers in Sembabule district are expressing their dissatisfaction with the inconsistent prices of milk.

The fluctuation in prices has been a cause for concern among dairy farmers, who have been struggling to make ends meet.

Through their umbrella body, Sembabule district dairy farmers union the farmers said the farm get price per litre of milk has dropped to between Shs 200 and Shs 400 from Shs 600 three months ago.

However the unpredictable nature of the market has made it difficult for farmers to plan and invest in their businesses.

The issue of fluctuating milk prices has been a persistent problem for the dairy industry. Farmers have been calling on the government and other stakeholders to intervene and provide support to stabilize the market.

The lack of stable prices has affected the livelihoods of many farmers, who depend on milk production as their main source of income.

Farmers have also pointed out that the high cost of inputs, such as animal feed and veterinary services, has further compounded their difficulties.

They argue that the prices they receive for their milk do not reflect the true cost of production, making it difficult for them to remain profitable.

The dairy industry plays a crucial role in the economy, providing employment and contributing to food security.

It is therefore important for the government and other stakeholders to address the issue of fluctuating milk prices and provide support to farmers to ensure the sustainability of the industry.

Kasim Balidawa

By Kasim Balidawa

Am Balidawa Khasim a copy writer and a blogger. Am more passionate in reading as well as writing accurate articles basing on all aspects. I love challenges

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