More than 800 students graduate at MTAC

In a momentous event, over 800 students celebrated their academic achievements and marked the culmination of their educational journey at the prestigious MTAC institution. The graduation ceremony, held in the institution’s grand auditorium, was filled with a sense of pride, accomplishment, and anticipation for the promising futures that lie ahead.

The ceremony commenced with an inspiring speech by the esteemed guest speaker, who emphasized the importance of education as a catalyst for personal and societal growth.

Speaking during the 10th graduation on Friday, the Minister for Trade, Francis Mwebesa hailed the institution for contributing to the country’s socio-economic transformation agenda by creating a pool of competent human resources

The graduates were reminded of their responsibility to utilize the knowledge and skills acquired during their time at MTAC to make positive contributions to their respective fields and communities.

The distinctive feature of MTAC is that it provides training to guarantee growth and sustainability of businesses, particularly MSMEs which have high mortality rate and yet they are the backbone of our economy. Apart from other courses in the areas of accounting and finance, management, ICT, procurement and logistics management among others, MTAC has been active in providing vocational training in various fields; such as tailoring, fashion and design, bakery and cookery, hair dressing and Cosmetology, the making of pavers, soap, jelly, candles, reusable sanitary pads, leather goods, etc., even in areas where the organization lacks fully functional outreach centers. These abilities have the capacity to transform jobless people into great entrepreneurs,” Mwebesa said.

He applauded MTAC partners including Girl Forum Initiative (GAFI), Solid Rock Group (SRG), Programme for Access to Child Education (PACE), Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU), Waste Aid, Uganda Tailors Association (UTA), Uganda Clearing and Forwarding Agents Association (UCIFA), Uganda Small Scale Industries Association (USSIA), Microfinance Support Center (MSC), Waste Aid and KACITA Women Entrepreneurs League  among others for their support

As each graduate stepped onto the stage to receive their well-deserved diplomas, the audience erupted in thunderous applause and cheers of support. The ceremony was a testament to the dedication and perseverance exhibited by the graduates throughout their academic journey.

Among the notable achievements of the graduating class were numerous academic accolades, research breakthroughs, and remarkable community service initiatives.

These accomplishments serve as a testament to the comprehensive education provided by MTAC and the commitment of the faculty to nurturing well-rounded individuals.

The valedictorian, in their heartfelt speech, expressed gratitude to the faculty, staff, and fellow students for their unwavering support and camaraderie. The valedictorian also acknowledged the challenges faced during their time at MTAC, highlighting the resilience and determination that propelled them to overcome obstacles and achieve excellence.

As the ceremony drew to a close, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of nostalgia, excitement, and a sense of new beginnings. The graduates bid farewell to their alma mater, eager to embark on the next chapter of their lives, armed with the knowledge, experiences, and lifelong friendships gained at MTAC.

The graduation at MTAC served as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of education and the boundless potential of each graduate. As these graduates venture into the world, they carry with them the indelible mark of MTAC and the promise of a brighter future, making a positive impact on society and shaping a world filled with endless possibilities.

Kasim Balidawa

By Kasim Balidawa

Am Balidawa Khasim a copy writer and a blogger. Am more passionate in reading as well as writing accurate articles basing on all aspects. I love challenges

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