Ensuring data protection UBOS addresses concerns

The Uganda Bureau of Statistics ( UBOS ) has addressed concerns regarding data protection in response to worries expressed by some households. Mr. Salim Uhuru, the mayor of Kampala Central Division, highlighted that certain households are hesitant to disclose their property information to enumerators due to fears of potential tax implications from the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA).

UBOS acknowledges the importance of data privacy and assures households that their information will be handled with the utmost care and confidentiality.

Data protection is a fundamental aspect of the enumeration process, and UBOS is committed to upholding these principles.

To safeguard privacy, UBOS has implemented stringent measures to ensure that the data collected during the enumeration process remains confidential.

Enumerators are bound by strict codes of conduct and are required to sign confidentiality agreements. Any breach of this agreement is subject to disciplinary action.

Furthermore, the data collected is aggregated and anonymized to protect the identity of individuals and households. This ensures that the information cannot be used to identify specific taxpayers or expose them to potential tax implications.

UBOS emphasizes that its collaboration with the Uganda Revenue Authority is solely for the purpose of cross-referencing data to improve the accuracy of tax assessments. The URA does not have access to individual household data collected by UBOS during the enumeration process.

UBOS also reassures households that the data shared with the Uganda Revenue Authority is subject to the same confidentiality measures as mandated by law. The information shared is used strictly for statistical purposes and is not used to impose taxes on individual households.

Accurate data collection is crucial for effective planning, resource allocation, and policy-making. By providing accurate information, households contribute to informed decision-making processes that benefit the entire community.

UBOS encourages households to participate fully in the enumeration process, assuring them that their data will be protected.

UBOS recognizes the concerns expressed by households regarding data protection and assures them that their information will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality. Enumerators follow strict codes of conduct, and data collected is aggregated and anonymized to protect the privacy of individuals and households.

Collaboration with the Uganda Revenue Authority is solely for statistical purposes and does not result in households being exposed to tax implications. By contributing accurate data, households play a vital role in shaping policies and resource allocation for the benefit of the community as a whole.

Kasim Balidawa

By Kasim Balidawa

Am Balidawa Khasim a copy writer and a blogger. Am more passionate in reading as well as writing accurate articles basing on all aspects. I love challenges

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