Ministerial shooting plot foiled Security guards remanded

In a shocking turn of events, the Kabale Grade One Magistrate has ordered the remand of six private security guards to Ndorwa prison. The guards, affiliated with Wolves Security Company, find themselves embroiled in a grave situation, facing multiple charges, including an alleged attempt to shoot Minister for State for Mineral Development, Ms Phiona Nyamutoro.

During an inspection of mining sites in Rubanda district, Minister Nyamutoro and her technical team from the directorate of survey and mines encountered resistance at STEAM mines in Katojo, Muko Subcounty.

The visit came in response to complaints lodged by STEAM’s directors, who claimed that their exploration license had been violated by unidentified individuals allegedly working illegally for John Muluri Muyambi and the National Cement Company.

Alleged attempted murder: Guards face grave charges

During the court proceedings, the prosecution informed Magistrate Julius Mutabazi that the accused security guards had allegedly cocked their guns and made an attempt on the life of Minister Nyamutoro and her team.

The gravity of the charges became apparent as the guards, namely Deo Kiza, Robert Okulu, Anthony Nuwagaba, Mathias Kajugo, Robert Muchunguzi, and Hassan Omani, pleaded not guilty to charges that included attempted murder.

While Magistrate Mutabazi acknowledged the guards’ right to apply for bail, he emphasized that all requirements must be fulfilled.

As none of the accused had met the necessary criteria, the court was unable to grant bail to any individual. Consequently, the magistrate ordered the remand of the guards and adjourned the case to July 18.

Kasim Balidawa

By Kasim Balidawa

Am Balidawa Khasim a copy writer and a blogger. Am more passionate in reading as well as writing accurate articles basing on all aspects. I love challenges

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