Tragic death highlights safety concerns in septic tank cleaning

In a heartbreaking incident at Teso Inn in Kengere Ward, Soroti East Division, 41-year-old casual worker Musoke Okayo tragically lost his life while performing his duties.

According to a police report released by Regional Police Commander Damalie Nachuha, the unfortunate incident occurred when Musoke entered the septic tank for cleaning and widening, leading to a fatal lack of oxygen that prevented his escape.

Despite valiant attempts by a colleague to rescue him, both individuals faced breathing difficulties. The East Kyoga Fire and Rescue Brigade responded promptly, but tragically, Musoke was declared dead upon arrival at Soroti Regional Referral Hospital.

Preliminary investigations suggest that the lack of oxygen in the septic tank may have been a critical factor in Musoke’s demise. Authorities stress the importance of following safety protocols, such as allowing sufficient time for ventilation, before entering such enclosed spaces to prevent similar tragedies

Kasim Balidawa

By Kasim Balidawa

Am Balidawa Khasim a copy writer and a blogger. Am more passionate in reading as well as writing accurate articles basing on all aspects. I love challenges

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