Human rights commission condemn “Unconditional “anti homosexuality bill

Following a report that was tabled by Bugiri Municipality MP Asuman Basalirwa for first time reading made a significant step in the enactment of the controversial law .

However the bill is now before the the committee of legal and parliamentary Affairs for scrutiny.The bill if enacted into law would violate the constitution which guarantees and protects key human rights including the non derivable rights to dignity and freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment and the right to a fair hearing.

Consequently the Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum argues in a detailed legal and human rights analysis of the Anti homosexuality bill 2023.

In a statement the Human rights watch warned that if adopted, the law would violent multiple fundamental rights including the rights to freedom of expression and association, privacy, equality and non discrimination.

“If parliament wants more laws to protect children from sexual abuse as well as to address sexual violence generally,a non discriminatory law would be the way to go,a law that protects all persons regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity.Such a law would only criminalize non consensual sexual relationships,”The report states.

However on 9 March Bugiri Member of Parliament tabled the bill for first reading which made it a significant step in the enactment of the controversial law .

The bill is now before the committee of legal and parliamentary Affairs for scrutiny after clearance from the Finance ministry which issued a certificate of Financial Implication.

However the homosexuality bill 2023 will be expeditiously processed at what cost but activist say Article 79(1) of the 1995 constitution doesn’t give parliament power to pass the law the contravene the constitution.

HRAPF further recommends that there is no need for the Bill as the provisions are all already existing in other laws including the criminalization of same sex relationships.
