Mbale school in limelight over forged UACE results

The director and head teacher of St Mary Secondary School in Mbale City are reportedly on hide after parents found out this week that Uganda National Examination Board withheld the school results.

The head teacher Mr Wilson Makinya and director Mr Richard Owino faked results for some candidates in order to buy time to seek for the release of the withheld results as we interviewed the angry parents and teachers.

“The head teacher gave some candidates who sat for UCE and UACE their results and they indeed passed well. He claimed he had downloaded the results from the Uneb portal but unfortunately, in both situations the parents couldn’t access the results on their own phone which arose suspicion,”said one of the angry teacher.

About 80 students sat for UCE exams at the school and about 16 students sat for UACE exams but results were allegedly withheld by UNEB over failure to clear registration fees.

Mr Beatrix Mafabi told our media that some parents stormed the school to demand for an explanation on why their children haven’t received their results.

“They school management kept on providing explanations that did not add up .We paid school fees and the Uneb registration fees but our children couldn’t receive their via phone like other ,”Mr Mafabi spoke.

Meanwhile the Mbale Resident City Commissioner Mr John Rex Aachilla told us that a manhunt is going on for the head teachers and the director.

“It’s true I got the information from the affected students who come to my office and reported the matter about the withheld results.I told them to come with their parents who also confirmed that they paid school fees for their children,” Mr Achilla said.

While realizing the 2022 senior four results on February 9 Uneb’s executive director Dan Odongo said the body withheld results of at least 1035 candidates who sat UCE due to examination malpractice.
