Emyooga cash defaulters to be read on radio

While addressing to Emyooga beneficiaries in Buliisa residents on Friday state minister of For Microfinance Haruna Kyeyune directed commercial officers to compile lists of defaulters from all saccos and that should be sent to him.

“I want all commercial officers to visit all Emyooga Saccos and generate for me a list of all defaulters .i want you to write the name of the defaulter , telephone contact, the name of the Sacco and the amount due and the place of residence.” Kasolo said.

He further warned defaulters to pay up within a period of 14 days or else he will take up action.

In addition the minister explained further that government had secured enough airtime on various radio stations around the country that will be used for the purpose of naming and shaming defaulters of Emyooga money.

“ I want from morning to evening, every presenter who enters the radio station to read out names for the public to know . They will read the names to remind the people to pay back the money . If you failed to pay back , just tune to the radio you will hear your name. I want your in laws to know that you are becoming a community problem before we embarrass you, you have 14 days to pay back the money.”
However the minister added that if that Initiative fails them the government will have to arrest the defaulters who will then be sent to prison.

The minister warned residents that the public ought to know that it is no longer a business as usual as government seeks to get the best of the Emyooga program.

“Those who thought it was like with the previous money’s, know this isn’t business as usual.
