NDA closes 149 pharmacies and drug shops in Eastern Uganda

In a bid to uphold safety and quality standards within the pharmaceutical sector, the National Drug Authority (NDA) headed by Samuel Kyomukama have recently taken decisive action in Eastern Uganda.

A total of 149 pharmacies and drug shops have been closed down as part of a comprehensive regulatory effort.

The NDA, as the regulatory body responsible for overseeing the pharmaceutical industry, has a vital role in ensuring public health and well-being.

The closure of these establishments comes as a result of thorough inspections and assessments carried out by the authority.

The primary objective of this exercise is to mitigate potential risks associated with substandard drugs, counterfeit medications, and unqualified personnel.

By closing down these pharmacies and drug shops, the NDA aims to protect the public from potential harm and safeguard the integrity of the pharmaceutical landscape.

According to Regional Drug Inspector David Kagwa  the closures were not taken lightly. Each establishment was carefully evaluated based on adherence to regulatory standards, licensing requirements, and the qualifications of staff members.

Those found to be non-compliant were given a fair opportunity to rectify their shortcomings, but unfortunately, some were unable to meet the necessary criteria.

The closure of these pharmacies and drug shops may cause inconveniences to individuals relying on their services. However, it is crucial to recognize that this measure is taken in the best interest of public health and safety.

The NDA is actively working to ensure that alternative options are available to residents affected by these closures. Efforts are being made to inform the public about nearby licensed pharmacies and drug shops that they can turn to for their medication needs.

Moreover, the NDA is reinforcing its commitment to promoting awareness and education regarding the importance of purchasing medicines from authorized and trustworthy sources.

They are encouraging individuals to be vigilant and cautious when seeking pharmaceutical products, emphasizing the significance of verifying the legitimacy and quality of the drugs they consume.

The closure of 149 pharmacies and drug shops in Eastern Uganda by the NDA reflects their dedication to upholding stringent standards in the pharmaceutical sector.

Through this regulatory action, the authority aims to protect the public from potential harm caused by substandard medications and unqualified personnel.

While these closures may pose temporary challenges, the NDA is actively working to ensure alternative options are available, while also raising awareness about the importance of purchasing medicines from authorized sources.

Kasim Balidawa

By Kasim Balidawa

Am Balidawa Khasim a copy writer and a blogger. Am more passionate in reading as well as writing accurate articles basing on all aspects. I love challenges

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