NRM candidate in early lead in Bukedea LC5 poll

In the ongoing Bukedea LC5 by-elections, the National Resistance Movement (NRM) candidate Ms Mary Akol has taken an early lead, according to preliminary results released by the Electoral Commission.

As of last evening Ms Akol was ahead of her two rivals from the various sub counties by a bigger margin by a double digit figures For instance at Obul railway polling station in Kachumbala county Ms Akol lead over with 464 votes, her  closest rival, Mr Lokwiski Tychicus an independent had 41 while Mr Sam Oita Odeke from the Forum for Democratic change had 14 votes.

The by-elections, which were called after the death of the previous LC5 chairman, have seen a low voter turn out  with residents of Bukedea turning up in large numbers to cast their ballots.

The NRM candidate has campaigned on a platform of improving infrastructure, including roads and schools, and promoting economic development in the district. He has also promised to address issues of youth unemployment and empower local businesses.

Meanwhile, the opposition candidate focused his campaign on issues of transparency and accountability in local government, and promised to fight corruption and ensure that public resources are used for the benefit of the people.

The Bukedea LC5 by-elections are being closely watched as a test of political support for the ruling NRM party .

The NRM has traditionally dominated politics in the district, but there are signs that the opposition is gaining ground.

As the vote counting continues, tensions are high in Bukedea, with both sides closely monitoring the results. The Electoral Commission has assured residents that the process will be free and fair, and has called for calm as the results are announced.

The final results of the Bukedea LC5 by-elections are expected to be announced in the coming hours, and the winner will be sworn in as the new LC5 chairman.

Kasim Balidawa

By Kasim Balidawa

Am Balidawa Khasim a copy writer and a blogger. Am more passionate in reading as well as writing accurate articles basing on all aspects. I love challenges

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