Tanzanian President surprises Opposition by turning up at meeting they organized Tanzania's new President Samia Suluhu Hassan addresses the national assembly as the first female President in the country's history at the Parliament in Dodoma, Tanzania, on April 22, 2021. (Photo by - / AFP) (Photo by -/AFP via Getty Images)

Tanzanian president Samia Suluhu’s presence was welcomed by chadema chairman Freeman Mbowe who is said it was the fruit of meetings aimed at achieving reconciliation.

Ms Samia while addressing thousand in the meeting said that reconciliation was ongoing in Tanzania politics and that some steps had already been taken meanwhile others were in progress including the finding a new constitution.

In her address Tanzanian president added it had been difficult to start the reconciliation process as some in her ruling party .

“There was a lot of debates here and there and the same appeared to the country’s opposition.So both parties have some of its people who aren’t happy with the step of political reconciliation,” Ms Samia added.

She is Tanzania’s first female president having taken office following the death of John Magufuli in 2021.
Mr Magufuli was accused by the opposition of being authoritarian and cracking down on its leaders and members.
