Will Putin be able to attend G20 summit in India's capital New Delhi

Following the arrest warrant that was issued by The Hague based tribunal on March 17 accusing Putin of war crimes and illegally deporting hundreds of children from Ukraine.

However any attempt to arrest Russian president Vladimir Putin would amount to declaration of war against Russia his close ally Dmitry Medvedev told reporters.

Additionally Kremlin issued a standby statement saying the warrant was outrageously partisan decision and meaningless with respect to Russia.

However despite the warrant against Putin, he will still be able to attend the G20 summit in New Delhi in September this year as the host country India isn’t part of the ICC.

Speculations that India will be under pressure after the arrest warrant over its invite to Putin for the G20 summer as well as the Shanghai cooperation Organisation summit scheduled for June 2023 in Varanasi.
India has never signed the Rome Statute treaty and it’s not a member of the ICC.

However it’s not the first time India has been tasked to arrest a leader facing arrest from the ICC.

In October 27 ,2015 the ICC asked to arrest and hand over the then Sudanese president Omar Hassan al-Bashir who was wanted on genocide charges and expected to visit New Delhi.

However the arrest warrant against Bashir was issued on March 4 2009 but India boycotted the arrest warrant and had Bashir attend the India-Africa summit.

Kasim Balidawa

By Kasim Balidawa

Am Balidawa Khasim a copy writer and a blogger. Am more passionate in reading as well as writing accurate articles basing on all aspects. I love challenges

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